Algardomínio - General Terms - Cookies - Privacy Policy |
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Terms of use of Algardomínio lda ® websiteThe information available on website may be viewed, copied, printed and distributed exclusively for non-commercial use, provided that it contains the above legal copyright notice on all copies. This information can also be used for the purpose of making a budget request. The content of this site may not be modified or reinterpreted in order to be protected under other copyright, trademark or intellectual property registration that does not belong to Algardomínio lda ®. The information provided on may contain some technical inaccuracy or typographical error. Consequently, Algardomínio lda ® assumes no liability in any way for any direct, indirect, incidental or collateral damage resulting from the visit to its pages, namely loss of data, loss of revenue or other profits, and disruption of business processes derived from the use or inability to use the information on this site. Cookies"Cookies" are small bits of information that can help us identify your browser and can store information such as user settings and preferences. Accessing will allow us to store "cookies" on your computer that will be used to help determine the usefulness, interest, and number of visits to our webpages, and make naviagtion faster, eliminating the need to repeatedly enter the same information, always respecting your anonymity and not collecting any personal information. You can always disable them through the browser. With the exception of the cookies specifically required for the performance and execution of the website, the storage of other cookies will always depend on the acceptance and consent of the user, and this consent may be withdrawn at any time through specific browser tools. Privacy PolicyYou can only access certain areas of the website through user's registration. Personal and other information collected at the time of the registration is intended exclusively for administrative and computer use, and only within the scope of the services requested by the user (or related) on the website By registering and / or using the available contact forms, you are committed to providing Algardomínio lda ® website with accurate and complete information, such as the email address, and to notify Algardomínio lda ® in case of any change to the information provided. Algardomínio lda ® is committed to complying with the legislation in force regarding the protection of personal data and not to transfer this information in any form or condition to other entities (outside the scope of the business group to which it belongs). You can access your data, online or if you wish, request access in writing, check it's correction and if necessary rectify it. For this you must use the option that is available online or contact our services through the contact page of the website. Algardomínio lda ® will adopt the necessary security measures to ensure the protection of user's personal data against their possible abusive use or against unauthorized access. CopyrightAll elements contained in this electronic edition of Algardomínio lda ®, namely texts, photos, illustrations and others are protected by law under the Copyright and Related Rights Code It is expressly forbidden to copy, reproduce and disseminate the texts, photos, illustrations and other elements contained in this electronic edition without the express permission of Algardomínio lda ®, regardless of the means used - exception of the right of quotation defined by law. It is expressly prohibited the commercial use of the elements contained in the electronic edition of Algardomínio lda ®, namely texts, photos, illustrations and others. Algardomínio lda ® reserves the right to take legal action against the authors of any unauthorized copying, reproduction, diffusion or commercial use of the elements contained in this electronic edition, namely texts, photos, illustrations and others. Alternative Dispute ResolutionAccording to article 18 of Law no. 144/2015, of September 8, in the event of a dispute or dissatisfaction with the service or product made available, the consumer may use one of the Alternative Dispute Resolution entities that are listed in - you can obtain additional information on this subject at |